Zambia Sport Fishing Association 

Latest Fishing News

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  • 19 Jan 2023 11:22 | Chewe Chileshe

    All members are hereby invited to attend and take an active part in this meeting to ensure that the decision-making process is fair and representative of majority of the Members of the Association.

    This is also a forum for members to speak openly about any concerns regarding the ZSFA and voice their interests in the future of the ZSFA by providing ideas on improvements to ensure the continued success of the Association. (Raised in the AOB Forum).

    At the meeting, members will be asked to:

    • Accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting as a true and correct record of the proceedings of that meeting
    • Adopt the various reports as presented
    • Propose and nominate Members of the Executive Committee for 2023

    All members are entitled to be Committee members and need just one other member to nominate them. We are therefore requesting all nominations, made with the agreement of the candidate; be sent by email to or you can speak to any one of the committee members at the AGM on arrival.

    Please make the effort to attend this meeting! All International Fishing Team Members are obliged to attend.

    Relevant Documentation will be published soon for review by all members.

    AGM Pack will be sent before the AGM.

    See you soon!

    ZSFA Executive Committee

  • 23 May 2022 16:08 | Anonymous

    Dear All,

    One of our requirements is that all boats are to be registered with the Department of Maritime Inland Waterways which is located in office 4 at the RATSA offices in Ridgeway. 

    The Annual Fee is Now K684.00

    Please pay the correct amount as no change will be issued.

    Department of Maritime Account details are as follows:

    Department of Maritime Inland Waterways

    Zanaco 1396516300258

    Please do not forget to carry your proof of payment if you have deposited the money. For boats that are already registered you need a copy of your old registration. For first time registration you need: a copy of your ID, your residential address, your boat name, dimensions of your boat (length and width) and where your boat was manufactured.



  • 23 May 2022 15:51 | Anonymous

    River Lure 2022 

    1st Place

     Team 8

    Sponsor: BELL

    Team Members: Donald Bousfield, Karl VanBlerk, Adam Bousfield

    2nd Place

     Team 31

    Sponsor: CML

    Team Members: Brandon Reed, Stratos Samaras, Jonathan Whittome

    3rd Place 

     Team 33

    Sponsor: Liquid Rock

    Team Members: Clinton Jones, Karl Frick & Sean Eastcroft

  • 23 May 2022 13:34 | Natasha Sharp (Administrator)

    Dear All, 

    As an angler you are required to have a fishing license. These are obtained from the blue building at fisheries opposite Munda Wanga in Chilanga. You need to go to the office and request for a fishing license, K500 for the year or K85 for the month. You will be given a deposit slip (no swipe facilities currently available) which you take to the bank located at the service station next to Lafarge and deposit the money then go back to the fisheries office and complete the application. They will ask to see your ID (NRC is best otherwise you might get charged foreigner rates). 

  • 31 Jan 2020 12:26 | Anonymous

    Dear Members,

    As of end of last year, the Lusaka Angling Centre no longer has a physical store and have opted to go Virtual with a collection point from Longacres, Lusaka.

    This means that going forward, all ZSFA Members must be registered on the Members' Website platform ( and payments can only be made either via Bank Transfer or Direct Deposit into the ZSFA Bank Account. No Cash Payments will be accepted.

    Receipts and Member Cards will be generated and made available online on your respective member pages; as we, as a Committee have decided to Go Environmentally Friendly and Paperless. 

    We therefore urge ALL Members to ensure that the Membership subscription is fully paid up prior to the respective Competitions.

    All Competition organisers will have to confirm in advance if participants are active paid up members, as a pre-requisite to participate in the affiliated competitions.

    We thank everyone who have made their payments so far, and promise we will be updating your Membership profiles in the coming week and will send confirmations via email to you all soonest. We appreciate your patience.

    Thank You!

    Lilia Samui,

    Treasurer, ZSFA Executive Committee, 2019

    Lusaka Angling Virtual Store Contact: Kevin Bonel: 0961105293

  • 06 Dec 2019 13:48 | Anonymous

    Dear Members,

    As of December 1, 2019, the Zambian Government has banned fishing activities in all water bodies across Zambia except Lake Kariba and Lake Tanganyika.

    The Ban will be lifted on February 29, 2020.

    Furthermore, the Minister of Livestock and Fisheries, Nkandu Luo has also indicated that the Government would on January 1, 2020 also effect a ban on Lake Kariba and Tanganyika after a Statutory Instrument (SI) to that effect has been put in place. 

    The Minister says her Ministry Team will embark on sporadic inspections on all checkpoints and water bodies to ensure that no one abrogates the LAW.

    We urge all our members to take note of the ban and comply accordingly.

    Thank you.

    Michael Bentley,

    President, ZSFA Executive Committee, 2019

    Ref: Times of Zambia Edition No.18,544 Dated 02/12/19

  • 15 Jan 2019 22:16 | Anonymous

    The ZSFA is holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, 16th March 2019 at CHRISMAR HOTEL. 

    We have changed the date from our usual last Saturday of February because the first International fishing competition starts on the 24th of Feb and we need to have all the Internationals Team Members attend the AGM. The Weekend of the 9th of March is a long weekend. 

    All members are invited to attend and to take an active part in discussion to ensure that the decision-making process is fair and representative of the whole Association. It is an opportunity for members to voice their interests in the future of the ZSFA.

    It is also an opportunity to recruit ‘new blood’ onto the Committee. The ZSFA needs fresh new faces on the Committee with fresh new ideas to ensure the continued success of the Association.

    All members are entitled to be Committee members and need just one other member to nominate them. We therefore request, all nominations, made with the agreement of the candidate, be sent by email to or you can speak to any one of the committee members at the AGM.

    Please make the effort to attend this meeting! All International Fishing Team Members are obliged to attend.

    See you soon!

    ZSFA Executive Committee 

  • 11 Jan 2019 20:17 | Anonymous

    Dear Members,

    We are aware you that you may have experienced trouble with making payments directly into our Standard Chartered Account. 

    We have been experiencing some technical difficulties with our account and unfortunately have had little support from the Bank. 

    The Executive Committee has been working tirelessly behind the scenes for a number of weeks to get the technicalities resolved, until we had no choice but to make the decision to move our Account. We can now confirm we have done so with Stanbic Bank. 

    We kindly request that you re-confirm that your initial deposit to the Stanchart account was processed.If it was: please resend the proof. If it wasn't;  we kindly ask you to now process your payment through to the new account.

    We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

    Rest assured we are now back online and shall respond and confirm all your renewals as soon as we receive proof of your payments to the new account.

    Zambia Sport Fishing Association

    Stanbic Bank Zambia LTD ZMW Account: 9130002246086

    Branch Code: 040002

    Swift Code: SBICZMLX

    Lusaka Main Branch Woodgate House, Ground Floor, Corner of Nairobi Place & Cairo Road

    Thank you for your patience and understanding,

    Michael Bentley,

    President, ZSFA Executive Committee, 2018

  • 01 May 2018 09:07 | Anonymous

    We are updating our Member Website!

    Dear ZSFA Member,

    Happy Labour/ May Day!! And what a fantastic day for Fishing it is!

    As you may have noticed we are updating our Webpage - but we now need YOUR help! Here is how: 

    1. Please send pics of you and your team's fishing adventures/ catches!! Please add a small caption, location and story behind the picture. 
    2. We are calling on all organisations who wish to partner with us and offer special deals exclusive for ZSFA members! Your Logo will appear on the ZSFA Webpage. A member has to provide a valid member number (verified by us) to claim the special offer.
    3. Tell us your story! As ZSFA one of our goals is promoting conservation of fishing in Zambia - Let us know how you are helping in your community! 
    4. To all Fishing Competition Organisers - please do send us info in advance of your comps so we can let our members Know what is going on - send us links to your Facebook/ Web pages and Competition Entry info. We will be happy to add the link on our Webpage! We are here to support you!

    Please send your stories, pictures and logos/offers to

    Enjoy your day off!

    Tight Lines!

    Michael Bentley,
    President, ZSFA Executive Committee, 2018

  • 07 Feb 2018 20:07 | Anonymous


    Saturday, February 24th at 12:00hrs, CHRISMAR HOTEL

    Special Accommodation Rates for ZSFA Members!!!

    Twin Rooms 

    - Single Occupancy/night - K600 

    - Double Occupancy/night - K700!!!

    *Room Rates inclusive of Breakfast. *Valid for the weekend of the 24th of February only.

    Please ensure you tell the reservations team you are attending the ZSFA AGM on the 24th of February.

    Contact: Chrismar Hotel Lusaka

    Los Angeles Boulevard, Lusaka

    +260 211 253036; +260 975 049706;

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